The Charge of the B+
by Andy Evans

1,500v, 1,500v,
1,500v onward,
Into the chassis of Death
Probed the Audio Amateur.
"Forward, my trusty probe
"Measure the B+" he said:
Into the chassis of Death
Probed the Audio Amateur.

"Forward, my trusty probe
Was there a prudent thought?
Not tho' the bodger knew
He had blunder'd:
His not to make reply,
His not to reason why,
His but to probe and die:
Into the chassis of Death
Probed the Audio Amateur.

Resistors to right of him,
Diodes to left of him,
Capacitors in front of him
Beckoned the bodger;
Confused by the circuit,
Boldly he probed and well,
Into the chassis of Death
Right up to the 845
Probed the Audio Amateur.

Flash'd all the B+ caps,
Flash'd as they exploded in air,
Blackening his fingers there,
Charging his voltmeter, while
the Audio Amateur wonder'd:
Plunged in the battery-smoke
Right thro' the line he broke;
The whole PCB
Reel'd from the silly poke
Shatter'd and sunder'd.
Then he measured again, but not
Not 1,500v.

Resistors to right of him,
Diodes to left of him,
Capacitors in front of him
Beckoned the bodger;
Storm'd at with 1,250v,
Suddenly his jaw fell,
He that had bodged so well
Entered the jaws of Death
Entered the mouth of Hell,
All that was left of him,
Clasping the B+.

When can his glory fade?
O the wild bodge he made!
All the world wondered.
Honor the bodge he made,
Honor his futile demise
Noble Audio Amateur

I should add that "The Charge of the B+" was written by Alfred Lawn Tennis, in memoriam his cousin Arthur, an experimenter with early transmitter tubes. More of his musings can be read in 'La Morte D'Arthur'

O My Luve's a 2A3
by Andy Evans

O MY Luve's a 2A3
   That's newly bought in June!
And now my SET's like the melodie
   That's sweetly play'd in tune!

As fair art thou, my bonnie tube,
   So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,
   Till a' the seas gang dry?

Till a' the seas gang dry, my dear,
   And the rocks melt wi' the sun;
I will luve thee still, my dear,
   While the sands o' life shall run.

Goodbye until the morn, my only Luve!
   And fare thee weel awhile!
And I will switch ye on again, my Luve,
   And harken wi' ten thousand smiles.

The SET Anthem
by Andy Evans

God save the 2A3!
Long live the 2A3!
The 2A3!
Send it victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us,
The 2A3!

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