The sections that follow step through the principles of operation of this design. Since it is quite
different from traditional designs, I suggest that you follow through this at least once. If the "fine
points" are over your head, don't worry about it; hopefully enough of the information will stick to
give you at least a working understanding of the circuit.
There are in-line illustrations of the schematic, repeated as necessary. (If you have caching turned on in
your browser, you'll only have to actually download the images once.) These "Figures"
(schematics) are shown here in reduced size. Click on the image to enlarge it, preferably by right-clicking
and opening the image in a new window. Full-size, printable versions are also available in the
Resources section. It is highly recommended that you print out these
files and have the diagrams at hand as you study this document, especially if you plan on actually building
yourself one of these units.
Note that in the schematic diagrams, only one channel is shown; the other channel is of course identical.
Please note that part numbers refer to the various sections as follows: (We'll be assuming the left
channel in this discussion.)
Common parts (power supply, etc.) Also tube designations.